In AD 45, 12 years after the crucifixion, written records from the court of King Gonophores at Taxila (now in Pakistan)reveal the presence of the apostle Thomas with someone resembling Jesus. Mother Mary was with them on this journey and died along the way. Her grave is in Murree (Mari) Pakistan,near the grave of Jesus just across the border in Kashmir.
Was Jesus' resurrection actually resuscitation? Could it have been a recovery from a near-death experience? Would this change anything about him or his teachings? Christianity is the largest religion on the planet. Any changes in our perceptions will profoundly impact upon the entire world.
Jesus taught that life does not end after our bodies die. He made this startling claim: “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again.” According to the eyewitnesses closest to him, Jesus then demonstrated his power over death by rising from the dead after being crucified and buried for three days. It is this belief that has given hope to Christians for nearly 2000 years.
Jesus’ followers wrote that he appeared alive to them after his crucifixion and burial. They claim not only to have seen him but also to have eaten with him, touched him, and spent 40 days with him.
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