The Deity or Father when introduced into a narrative generally refers to the highest spiritual Essence in man, the Divine Spark, the Monad (“Alone”. Other terms are the Immortal Germ, the Logos of the Soul.), as also to the Oversoul of the race. Those who are following the pathway of Initiation seek to hasten this realisation, first of their divine, immortal nature and thereafter of their unbroken unity with God, of the oneness of Man-spirit with God-spirit, is the ultimate goal for all mankind. In Hinduism this state is called Moksha or Liberation; In Buddhism, Nirvana or conscious absorption; in Christianity- Salvation, Ascension, Christhood.
In this method of Biblical study the characters – divine, semi-divine, patriarchal and human-are thus regarded as personifications of principles and powers of both Nature as the Macrocosm, and of man as the microcosm. The degradation of the concept of the Divine Emanator of the Universe to the level of a tribal god (Exoteric Hebraism, and a literal reading of certain Books of the Old Testament alone present this view of Jehovab. Kabbalism, the theosophy of the Hebrews, their esoteric wisdom, proclaims the unnamed Deity as the self-existent, impersonal Emanator of Cosmos.) reliance upon an external redemptive power; and the erection of a vast though changing theological edifice founded upon dogmas, some of which are based upon a literal reading of the Scriptures.
The dramatis personae of many scriptural narratives represent human characteristics, the twelve disciples of Jesus are found to personify attributes and potentialities of man. For example, a twelvefold classification of them as microcosmic manifestations of the qualities given by astrologers to the divine Teacher, indicates that the evolution of the disciple has reached an advanced stage. Ultimately all powers of heart, mind and spirit will be fully developed. Only as the twelve Zodiacal qualities in man are “discipled”- or disciplined and refined-is he able to respond to his own inner spiritual will and to comprehend pure wisdom, both of which are personified by the Master. The Christ Presence and Power-whether asleep as in the ship on Galilee, awakening or being “born” as in the mystical Nativity, or fully grown to “the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ” –must, however, be added to all human attributes in order to present by means of personification a description of the fully “perfected” man.
The interaction between these various aspects of human nature, the effects they produce upon one another, the waxing or waning of one or more of them at different times and in different lives, and the gradual, triumphant emergence and predominance of the royal spiritual Self, the Immortal King within, personified by the Saviour and the hero of every saga-all this is allegorically portrayed by the Initiated authors of the inspired portions of the world.
Each story may be regarded as a graphic description of the experience of the human Soul as it passes through the stages, and their intermediate phases, of its evolutionary juourney to the Promised Land (cosmic consciousness)-the summit of human attainment. Inspired allegories are always distinguishable from mere novels and biographies by several characteristics, such as the intrusion of the supernatural and the inclusion in the story of angelic and divine beings, even of Deity itself. When these are found the existence of a hidden revelation may always be suspected.
“Logos doctrine.- The universe is first conceived in divine Thought, which is the governing power in creation. The creative “Word” expressive of the idea is then “spoken” and the hitherto quiescent seeds of living things germinate and appear from within the ocean of Space , the Great Deep.
Rama Lived in 24th ChaturYugas & Krishna in 28th Chatur Yugas.
1 Chatur Yuga = 43,20,000 Human years
The present Kalpa wherein we live is known as “SVETA VARAHA KALPA” and the previous Kalpa is known as “PADMA KALPA”. It is stated that the present Brahma is 51years old and so he is on the waning period. If he is over 50 years now, then the number of kalpas we have gone through is 18,250 Kalpas. As per vedic scripture during every Kalpa or half a day of Brahma, the Sun and the planets perish. So, the present Sun which we are looking at or which is giving the necessary energy for the survival of all is 18, 251th. Sun. Our scriptures talk about many Suns and many Zodiacs and not just this one Sun and its associated planets.
1 Kalpa constitutes 14 Manvantarams. Now we are in “ Vaivasvatha Manvantaram” –the seventh one in order. So, we have to go seven more Manvantarams to complete “Sveta Varaha Kalpa”. The scriptures have given the name of all the Manvantarams as follows:
1. Swayambu (It seems in the First Swayambu Manu the lord created the basic elements required for creation and they do not perish at the end of Kalpa but they will be inactive) 2. Svarocisha 3. Uttama 4. Tamasa 5. Raivata 6. Chakshusa 7. Vaivasvatha 8. Savarni 9. Daksha Savarni 10. Brahma Savarni 11. Dharma Savarni 12. Rudra Savarni 13. Rouchya Savarni 14. Bhautya Savarni or Indra Savarni. So, it can be seen that 6 Manvantara periods have already are over and we are in the Seventh Manvantara. Even in the Seventh Manvantara we have completed 27 Chatur Yugas and in the fag end of 28th Chatur Yuga. It may be of interest to know that Rama lived in 24th Chatur Yuga of the present Manvantarams about 18 million years ago as per the scriptures.
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