The term “God”, therefore, carries a number of implications. It includes physical Nature; the evolutionary impulse imparted to it; the irresistible formative force which bestows the attribute of self-reproduction and the capacity to express it; the creative Intelligence-the Elohim-which direct the manifestations and the operations of that force; the divine thought or ideation of the whole Cosmos from its beginning to its end; and the sound of the creative “Voice” (Logos) by which that ideation is impressed upon pre-cosmic substance. These, together with all seeds, beings, forces and laws, including those of expansion, alternation, cyclic progression and harmonious equipoise, constitute that totality of existence to which alone may be given with any measure of fitness the majestic and awe-inspiring title “God”.
In non-manifestation God is quiescent, in manifestation objectively active. Behind both quiescence and activity exists THAT which is eternal and unchanging, the absolute, Self-Existent ALL. The divine Creator referred to by various names in the world’s cosmogonies is the active expression of that eternal, incomprehensible One alone.
Manu- A generic term applied to Creators, Preservers and Fashioners. Manvantara- means, literally, the period presided over by a Manu. According to their function and Office they are called Race Manus, Round Manus and Chain Manus, and so on up to the Solar Logos Himself. Pralaya- on the other hand, is a period of observation or repose, whether planetary or universal- the opposite of Manvantara- and is symbolised in Genesis and in all flood legends by their deluges.
Elohim (Heb.)- “Gods”. A sevenfold power of Godhead; the male-female Hierarchies of creative Interligences or Potencies through which the Divine produces the manifested Universe; the unity of the powers, the attributes and the creative activities of the Supreme Being. “Elohim”, therefore, literally means “gods”, personifications of divine divine attributes or the forces at work in Nature. Admittedly the “Elohim” are also conceived as a Unity in the sense that They all work together as One, expressing One Will, One Purpose, One Harmony. Thus their activities are regarded as the manifestation of the Eternal One, the Absolute. “Elohim” might therefore be explained as “the Unity of Gods” or “the Activities of the Eternal One”, namely God omnipresent and revealing Himself outwardly in creative activity.
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